How to Steam Makes Nail Polish Matte?

Well, we can also use steam to create a matte effect on your nails. Clean each nail first. Polish your nails with a coat properly and then allow them to dry off. Then apply colour onto your nails without applying the colour too thick. After the nails are dried off. Boil some water in a bowl and allow your nails over the boiling water. Let your hands be at a distance from the hot bowl. Make sure all the parts of your nails get a good amount of steam.

After that check the polish colour. It will turn matte. Hold your hands over for a few seconds and then see the matte effect on your nails. Steam will automatically make your nails matte. This matte effect is long lasting. Make sure that you apply a good quality nail paint onto your nails.

This matte effect of your nails will make your nails look gorgeous. It will go for a perfect summer party where you are wearing a beautiful evening gown. The stunning looks of your hands will make you feel good. You can carry yourself out well with this matte effect on onto your nails.

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