Dandruff is probably the most common problem for your hair and scalp.
Annoying little white fluffy pests, also known as dandruff, can turn into your worst nightmare.
This irritating phenomenon affecting many people around the world. There are plenty of causes, some hardly to believe that they can produce dandruff.
The good news is that there are many solutions available for the prevention and getting rid of this scourge.
We present to you the eight most popular ways for fighting dandruff
dandruff 8 ways how to treat dandruff naturally, Tips
Dandruff Affected Scalp and Hair
How to Treat Dandruff Naturally
1. Olive oil
Olive oil has a variety of use, and one of its most popular use is in fighting dandruff.
Since dandruff is usually the result of a dry scalp, use olive oil more than welcome to fight dandruff.
Rub warm (not hot!) Oil in your hair before washing. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes before shampooing.
Or, rub warm olive oil on the scalp in a circular motion before going to sleep. Leave it on the scalp overnight and in the morning rinse with a mild shampoo.
Place a pillow under the head of the old order to absorb oil or wrap your head with a cotton covering.
2. Yogurt and pepper
This is one of the simplest preparations to fight dandruff.
Applied to the scalp, yogurt has a calming effect and prevent further peeling.
Pepper in turn acts as an antifungal agent.
Two teaspoons of black pepper powder obtained by adding a cup of yogurt. Thoroughly and rub into the scalp.
Leave on the scalp for about an hour and rinse shampoo with mild activity.
3. Lemon juice
This juice is very effective antifungal activity, which makes it essential ingredient for hair masks intended for fighting dandruff.
Mix the lemon juice and coconut oil in the ratio of one to five. Gently spread the mixture on the scalp and leave it there between 20 and 30 minutes. Rinse off using a mild shampoo.
We recommend regular use of lemon to get rid of dandruff.
Lemon juice is considered a natural bleach because of the presence of citric acid, but it is not bleached hair.
4. Vinegar (Apple Cider)
Vinegar is largely used to prevent dandruff in the last century.
It is rich in calcium and calcium enzymes that suppress itching. It is especially effective in fighting dandruff that causes itching.
Of all the types of vinegar, most recommend apple cider or balsamic.
Apple cider vinegar removes dead skin cells that cause the formation of dandruff and hinder the growth of the hair roots.
Be careful that vinegar doesn’t gets in your eyes. Do not worry about the smell, because it will disappear once the hair is dry.
5. of Aloe vera
Aloe vera restores sensitive and chapped skin scalp caused as a result of repeated itching.
The gel of aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Nourishes and cleanses the scalp and prevents dandruff.
Rub the gel or aloe vera juice directly onto the scalp. Leave it on the scalp for approximately fifteen minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo.
Repeat the process on a daily basis in order to achieve satisfactory results.
6. Ginger and Beetroot
The main ingredient of many traditional cuisine, ginger works wonders in fighting dandruff hair.
Massage the scalp and hair with a mixture of chopped ginger, beetroot and water will free you from dandruff in just four days.
After rubbing the scalp, leave the mixture overnight and rinse in the morning in order to achieve the best results.
7. Garlic
Garlic effectively dispels men sensitive sense of smell, just as effectively combats dandruff.
It is considered the best natural means of fighting dandruff.
It has natural antibacterial properties that help remove bacteria present on the scalp.
Mince garlic and add a little water to make a thick, smooth mixture.
Rub the scalp and leave for half an hour. Rinse your hair with mild shampoo.
8. Baking Soda
Baking soda cleans the scalp and helps remove flakes of dandruff.
Add one tablespoon of baking soda in the shampoo and wash your hair with this mixture.
Wash cycle will be enough to convince in its effectiveness in removing stubborn flakes.
And finally, before your fight with boring “fluffy pests” kicks into gear, it should be noted that none of the composition no instant action.
This means that you should wait a few days for results to be visible.
Arm yourself with patience, because the best way to control dandruff persistence in treatment.