The cute, Nice and amazing flowers are really simple to do, and give such a great look. All you need is some fun colors and a dotting tool and you're ready to draw a flower on your nails. When you think of roses it seems complicated but if you try to make by following the steps then its so easy to create.Don't be discouraged if it's not exactly what you want the first time, practice makes man perfect, so keep practicing you will definitely get the good result.Now try this nail art which is best for this season and demanding also, just follow the steps given below.
Take a look:
1. Apply a base coat of white nail polish, better to apply two coats of polish.
2. Near the cuticles paint a small roll with a black polish using thin brush.
3. Below it create a small “v” shape and paint a rose petal on both sides as pictured.
4. Draw leafs of Rose, 2 largest and 2 smaller as shown in picture.
5. Fill the design with red color polish for the petals and a dark green color for the leafs.