Nail art is a unique form of art. It is a creative way of decorating your nails. There are different kinds of nail art. Polish with beaded DNA nail art tutorial is one of them. Here all you have to do is apply the first coat of nail paint on your nails. Thereafter sprinkle some beads onto your nails before it dries off and then press them against your nails. After that apply a finished and final coat of a green nail paint on your nails. Your beaded DNA is ready to rock.
A tutorial for the same will guide you well through the entire process of application and execution to perform this nail art type. It will give you tips and techniques to complete this type of nail art and how exactly it should be performed. I will teach you how to create it and how to execute it completely. You will learn a great deal from these tutorials itself. Names of some top tutorials are cawebpages.com, finder6.com. they have some amazing information for you to read through. YouTube consist of some great amount of videos from which you can learn.