Fancy Quick Updo

This Fancy Quick knot technique is great for so many different occasions whether you are to party or any other occasion. It will be good if you have straight hair as shown in picture but it can work with some curls also.Here we show you the step by step technique to create this Fancy Quick Updo. See how easy it is to create this half-updo hairstyle and having so much of fun.Take a look:

1. Comb your hair to smooth your hair for better result.

2. Pick up two pieces of hair. Make sure they are long enough to create the knot.

3. Make a loop with one of the pieces of hair as shown in picture.

4. Take the other piece of hair and cross it over to the other side.Pull the hair under the looped hair.

5. Pull the hair through the loop again as shown in the picture.

6. Pull on the ends of the two pieces of hair and knot take its shape. Secure the knot with some bobby pins.

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