Wet Hair Bun Tutorial

We know that we are always in a hurry, that's why we will share with you an amazing idea of hairstyle for wet hair.Taking few minutes to put your hair up in a sock bun.Or in summer, when you’ve been swimming, these styles are simple enough to do poolside. All you need are a few bobby pins and maybe a hair elastic or two. The best thing about this bun is that this is very simple and easy to make and does not require much time to make it.Follow these simple steps and you are ready with easy Bun Hairstyle with Wet Hair.

1. Tie your hair into a ponytail at the crown of your head.
2. Use a comb to smooth your hair and get rid of any lumps and bumps.
3. Split your ponytail in two. Hold one side in each hand and keep these separate as you braid.
4. Cross a small section from the left to the right.Do same on the other side.Take a small piece of hair from the right side of the right ponytail and combine it with the left ponytail.
5. Each time, cross a small piece of hair from one ponytail to the other side.
Tie the end and stretch it out.
6. Wrap the braid around the hair band and secure with bobby pins.

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