She added: 'He was in tears of laughter. Right on top of my bum it says anal, so where they stitched it they had not put the I and M of ANIMAL in. It's typical that he noticed it there.'
But while she saw the funny side, Miss White was also embarrassed by the mistake, then horrified when her son, 4, who has just started reading, asked her what the word on her waistband meant.
She added: 'I do see the funny side but it's more the embarrassment for me. I had to go down to the store to get my refund and show off the pyjama bottoms in front of everyone. The members of staff were laughing along with the rest of the store.
'My four-year-old son is just learning to read as well, and he said "what's anal mummy?" I was horrified. I just said "I don't know". How embarrassing.
'It's girls that are younger than me though, some children fit into women's pyjamas and I would be shocked as a mother to see that.

'They are not sexy or Ann Summers-ish or anything like that, they're just something a young girl would get.
'I was shocked, John was laughing so I was laughing at him. I didn't believe him at first and then he took a picture and showed me, I was horrified, I told him I was going to complain.
'If they are going to sell something like that it should have a warning label or it should be in Ann Summers, I was gob-smacked. Then my friends came around to visit and they saw it too.
'They were all laughing, I think anyone is going to laugh but when I put my side across, my serious side, they were understanding and told me they saw my point and told me I need to do something about it.
'It was all eyes on me last night. I found it funny of course but then there's a serious side. All the staff are going to have a laugh at my expense as well.
'John told my mum and said "even pyjamas come with instructions". My mum was gob-smacked too. Seeing her 23 year-old daughter wearing some pyjamas that say 'anal' on the back isn't what a mother wants to see.
Miss Wright, was offered a full refund when she spoke to head office, but said nothing can compensate her from the humiliation of having to walk into the shop and explain what had happened.
She added: 'What about my embarrassment of having to go back in there? I said I wanted a full refund and a £10 gift voucher and he said he couldn't do that.
'I literally said to him that I had purchased them and had to be embarrassed once again. I had to explain that to a male and he did a little snigger and it seemed like he didn't want to do anything for me.
'I'm still embarrassed now because I've still got to take them back. Then there's my child learning to read and wondering what it was.
'Being a mother, I'm also thinking about other younger people who could have bought them and who still can buy them because I don't think they have taken them off the shelf.
Peacocks said it was looking into the matter.
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Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3303349/That-s-not-want-pyjamas-say-Mother-three-horrified-new-11-Animal-nightwear-set-misses-couple-letters-spell-rude.html