Paid maternity leave

There are only three countries that do not provide paid maternity leave. The United States is one of those three.
However, four states in the US and some private companies offer paid maternity leave. Is it enough in a country like America? Definitely, not and this often becomes the reason for mothers to quit their jobs. In a report, it had been found that 43% of women left their job during pregnancy.
Full reproductive rights

In America, abortion is legal at the federal level. But, in several states, it becomes very difficult for women to make their own reproductive choice. For instance, women are forced to undergo an abortion only in the hospital and they have to consult with a doctor before the abortion.
Gender Pay Gap

The United States hold 65th position in the world on gender pay equality. In the United States, there is a huge Gender Pay Gap. Women in America still get paid 78 cents on the dollar, which is very low when compared with the wages of their male counterparts. Even till date, Congress has not passed the Paycheck Fairness Act.
No freedom from catcalling

Street harassment is so rooted that it becomes a usual thing for many people. Women are usually verbally harassed as they walk down the streets in the States, and still no law has been implemented to protect women from catcalling. However, countries like France, Peru, Nicaragua, Argentina, and Iceland have enacted a law to protect women from catcalling.
Safe births

The United States is one in eight countries in the world where the rate of maternal death is increasing because of unplanned pregnancies and lack of proper health care facilities. Other countries that fall in this category include Belize, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and El Salvador. In Studies, it has been found that in 2013, 18.5 women died per 100,000 births. In the 1990s, this rate was 12.4 women per 100,000 births.
S*xual assault

S*xual assault against women is a pressing issue and the statistics of s*xual assault show a very disturbing trend in the US. During the release of the White House report in 2014, Vice president Biden claimed that one in every five college girls has been sexually assaulted. What is more scary is that s*xually assaulted victim do not come in front as they feel that they will be viewed as liars. According to the National S*x Offender Public Website, only 16% of the cases get reported to law enforcement agencies.
Number of elected female leaders

The United States is at the bottom list when it comes to electing women in federal office. Currently, women representatives are less than 20% when compared with the total U.S congressional representatives.
Birth control Pills
