Must Watch: You have these 3 ingredients at home and if you mix them you will get rid of blackheads forever!

Honey and cinnamon
Take 1 tbsp honey , 1 tbsp cinnamon and mix them to make a paste. Apply the paste on to your blackheads prone area and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plain water.

Lemon juice
Apply some lemon juice with common salt on your face and leave it on overnight. Rinse with plain water in the morning. You can apply some moisturizer if the lemon dries out your skin too much.

Concoction mask
Take 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp sugar, little water and honey. Mix all to make a paste and apply it on to your face. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then wash off with plain water.

Honey mask
Honey is a common ingredient in almost all face masks because it has such amazing properties. So you can just apply honey alone and leave it on for 20 minutes for great results too!

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