The little spectacle repeats itself daily. Until one morning, when the 2-year-old was having a particularly bad day. As usual, Vivian dragged herself to the window sill to wave to the men. But instead of waving back, Travis and Greg point to one of the steel beams where "Get well soon!" was written in all capital letters.

But, that isn't all: after they had waved to each other from through the window for months, Travis and Greg personally came to visit Vivian in the hospital. To meet their biggest fan and to hug their touched parents. "I thought about my own kids and how valuable life is," tells Travis Barnes with tears in the eyes. "It makes me happy that something so simple like that could make someone's day better!"

I have such a warm feeling in my heart! With a small gesture, Travis Barnes and Greg Combs have given this 2-year-old a ton of smiles during a rough time in her life - and all that every day. If this story of Vivian and her construction buddies also touched you deeply, then share it with everyone that you know!
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Source: http://www.hefty.co/vivian-keith/