(Facebook: Mindy Raelynne Danison)

(Facebook: Mindy Raelynne Danison)

(Facebook: Mindy Raelynne Danison)
Next is Riley, just 7 weeks old.
“He went to heaven November 6th but was born November 23. We are blessed to have got to meet our little one. Life is incredibly beautiful! We went to walmart, then at 1pm on the way to mom’s house i started having contractions. They got more intense. When i got to mom’s i got into the tub and had my beautiful amazing little Riley at 3:35pm. Home water birth is what i’d always dreamed of having and i finally got to. Seeing Riley has brought me peace and comfort. I love him and God will care for him for me until i can be with him again. baby Riley is estimated to being 7.5 weeks, Riley was born at 10 weeks,” wrote Mindy on her Facebook post about him.

(Facebook: Mindy Raelynne Danison)

(Facebook: Mindy Raelynne Danison)
We thank you with all of our hearts, Mindy, that you decided to share with us your beautiful children. It only goes to show that God’s creations are precious, from start to finish.
Article: http://liveactionnews.org/mom-posts-amazing-photos-of-her-7-and-8-week-old-miscarried-babies-on-facebook/
Source: http://www.godfruits.tv/mom-posts-miscarriage-photos/?ref=8d908t8a