See Here: They hid a microphone to spy on the babysitter after the dog started acting strangely. Then they heard the unthinkable.

For more than 5 months Alexis Khan, pictured below, worked as a babysitter for the Jordan family. Unnoticed and for seemingly no reason she began to physically and emotionally abuse the little baby Finn. What was most shocking was that Finn was still an infant of just 8 months and thus could not defend himself or inform his parents. I’m horrified imagining what the little lad underwent throughout the experience.

The parents began to suspect something was wrong when the normally calm family dog, Kilian, began acting aggressively towards the baby sitter. He had to intimately witness Khan's abuse of the little Finn. The parents took heed of this unmistakable reaction and decided to hide a microphone in the house. The recording revealed the unthinkable: Khan regularly was regularly abusing the baby, both physically and verbally. Unbelievable!

The Jordans called the police immediately. Alexis Khan is now locked away in jail and Finn Jordan has slowly, but steadily, regained the innate trust and security that all babies find in their surroundings. And he loves to play together with his friend Kilian. One really does not dare speculate over what would have happened if the loyal pet had not reacted so sensibly and vigilantly. Kilian, you are my hero of the day!

I am so glad that animals are able to trust their instincts and act accordingly. It's hard to imagine what could have happened if Kilian had not been at hand. Please share this heroic story of a true best friend to man!

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