But first, a classic: because of its effectiveness this one is a no-brainer. Next time you have a cold or the flu, boil some water, throw some onions in, and let them simmer. This onion tea tastes admittedly not so delicious but helps in less than 2 hours. It relieves pain and acts as an expectorant (loosening phlegm). Whoever needs a bigger dose should just eat raw onions. But try some onion tea, it also helps to free your airways too.

2. For ear aches
Whoever has had an ear ache knows how excruciating it is. The pain penetrates deep into your head and nothing seems to help. But he or she who sticks a piece of onion in their ear will soon feel the pain fade away. Onions weaken inflammatory foci in your ear.

3. Eye problems
Whenever you get something in your eye, you want it out as quickly as possible. So you start rubbing at it. That's WRONG. Because that way you are just pulling your retina into a fight it never belonged in. Much better: cut up an onion. The tears that it will cause will flush out any foreign objects immediately.

4. For cuts or lacerations
Whenever you cut yourself in the kitchen, an onion can be your best friend. If you hold it on the cut, it doesn't just stop the bleeding, but it also disinfects it while preventing inflammation. Another pleasant side effect: the healing process will be much quicker.

5. For scars
Many people have scars. Whether from an accident or a C-section, a scar will accompany you for the rest of your life. But, when you cut up an onion and then press it through a sieve, you can use the juice to help get rid of the discolorations. Pour some on a cloth and lay it on the wound. Repeat a couple times a day and after 3 days they'll all be gone!

6. For infections
When you have a skin infection, boil some milk and mix a slice of bread and a fresh onion together into a nice paste. Clean the infected spot and apply some of the paste. Now wait 2 hours until it's dry. Then remove and clean thoroughly. The infection will soon be gone.

7. For sunburns
When you get a sunburn, most of the upper layers of skin are destroyed and your epidermis reacts by turning red. Place a slice of onion onto the affected spot. Then put some egg white on the spot and it will protect it and infuse with nutrients. The healing process will begin immediately and will be noticeable within 3 hours.

8. For bug bites
Wasps and bees can be particularly treacherous and give you a bad case of the rashes. After bitten, wash it off immediately with cold water and put an onion on the spot. The onion's vapors will pull the poison out of your skin and the swelling will go down quicker. It helps within minutes. I can't imagine bee stings without it now.

Fantastic. Onions are so cheap and are helpful in so many ways. The best is that it's a 100% natural cure, which means no need for chemicals that can harm your skin.
Share these tricks to help people get better faster! And all that just through the power of nature!
Source: http://www.hefty.co/onion-in-your-ear/