This Inspiring Story Of A Boy Who's Face Is Melting Will Surely Make You Cry!

The child named Diego having huge cheeks and everyone would compliment him. The parents was very happy to have such a gorgeous baby, but then one unexpected thing occurred.When Diego reached 4 years old, they knew there is something wrong in his face, it appears to be melting.

Doctors diagnosed Diego having a Parry Romberg Syndrome, an immune disease that eats away the soft tissues.

The family moved to Orlando Florida to the top plastic surgeons in the country.

When the surgeon saw the young boy's face, he said that it was operated immediately. The estimated cost of the surgery is a shocking $100,000, and their prayers were answered when the Orlando Church Community started to have fund raising for Diego's operation.

with the Hospital's help, Diego's result is amazing. His friends was very amazed and surprised when they saw him. Everyone is really happy and impressed with the results.

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