Avoid flimsy fabrics if you don't want your clothes to stick to your body. Lightweight fabrics are great for hot weather, but not stick to your body.

Layer with open-weave knits.

Cover your body to protect your skin from the sun and keep cool.

Keep your clothes loose. The looser, the better.

Skip the padded bra in favor of a soft.

Avoid embellishments — particularly heavy embellishments like beading or anything made of metal.

Leave your backpack and use a small crossbody.

Wear socks. Sandals might seem like the most logical way to stay cool, but open shoes mean dirty feet, which mean hot feet.

Dark colors absorb light and make you that much hotter while light colors reflect light and help keep you cool.

Only wear unlined jackets, skirts, and dresses.

Choose clothes in natural fabrics. Cotton, for instance, is much more breathable than polyester or rayon.