☛ Cheekbones- in order to create a look that is fresh, young and vibrant the blush is applied onto the cheekbones.
☛ Apples- the blush id applied on the apples of the cheeks when your face is round and you are getting ready for that perfect photo shoot. It will make you look youthful, cute and subtle.
☛ Low on the cheeks- you can apply it low on the cheeks as well. it will give a look of wind-burnt-cheeks. It looks fabulous during the night time. Its part of night makeup which is light and shiny.
☛ Near the eyes – the blush can also be applied near the eyes suiting your outfit.
The reason why girls and most women apply blush onto their cheeks is
☛ It makes them look younger, healthier and alive.
☛ It comes in happy colors. So the feeling of applying it is bright and beautiful.
☛ You can create a mood by adjusting it where to apply onto the cheeks.