Scrapping stripes is the most innovative nail art design idea that I have ever seen and I really salutes the level of creativity he/she has thought. It is the very unique concept of merging two different color nail paints and then bringing out the mix of both which will be visible in the form of stripes. In our case we are using yellow and blue nail paints as the primary colors while you can choose your own favorite color for the same.
☛ Start by applying the base coat to your nails.
☛ First apply the yellow nail paint on to your nails and let it cover your nails fully.
☛ Leave if for some time to set or get dry.
☛ Now it’s turn for the second color so pick the blue and apply it firmly over the yellow.
☛ Now you will be seeing blue only because the yellow has been covered beneath blue.
☛ Now pick a toothpick and from its sharp end, draw some firm lines with little force so as to remove the blue paint.
☛ As the blue will be removed, you will see yellow popping out from the background.
It makes this nail art very unique and special from others.