It’s the wedding day and you are looking for perfect hairstyle for the occasion. Braided bun is the most encouraging and attractive hairstyle for the ceremony. Today we will tell you in our step by step tutorial how to make braided bun hairstyle at your own. Interestingly you don’t require any hairstylist for this because you can also be a perfect hairstylist with these simple steps.
☛ Fix your hairs using the rubber band. Apply the elastic to only the middle bunch and leave the surrounding hairs.
☛ Now starting from the left side make a threading of hairs by crossing two bunches. It should start from left and should go till right.
☛ Same way this time start from right side and it should continue till left.
☛ It should be looking like all bundles at back while the tail is still hanging.
☛ Now cross the hairs from tail also and fix it beside the whole bunch.
So this is all done. You have your very unique and stylish hair style ready for the occasion. Along with all the events that will be remembered for the day your hairstyle will also be one of them.